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Showing posts from 2019

Sharepoint Online - AD group permissions does not work

When you are syncing permissions from Active Directory to Office 365 and giving access to Sharepoint based on AD group, you can encounter a problem with permissions: members of this group does not have access to the site !  And when you are adding people directly to the Sharepoint group, then access is granted. Why is it so? It's because group permissions needs to be updated, which can take a long time.  To speed process up, you can run crawl, enforcing Sharepoint to read new permissions. You need to go to Site options, Search and offline availability and run crawl. Here is how to proceed:

Teams - Cannot add room to the meeting

When you are trying to add a room to your Teams meeting using Teams application, you get an error saying that no rooms are available. However, in the Outlook all seems to be OK. Solution is simple - you need to add a room list which consist of your room/rooms New-DistributionGroup " ENTER YOUR ROOM LIST NAME LIKE BUILDING OR OFFICE HERE ” -Roomlist Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity " PREVIOUSLY CHOSEN ROOM LIST NAME " -Member " YOUR ACTUAL ROOM NAME GOES HERE "

Get BitLocker status from all AD computers

If you need to check if all your Active Directory joined computers has BitLocker encrypted hard drives, then it's easy way to do it with powershell and manage-bde : get-adcomputer |%{ manage-bde -status c: -computername $}

Sharepoint Online: Cannot upload custom document template for

When you have created a Sharepoint site using new Sharepoint Online admin center, then you can see access deny when you need to upload new content type template for custom documents to the documents library. New view: It's because scripting on the new, created site is turned off. You need to: 1.Turn on scripting on the root Sharepoint settings: 2. Execute from the Powershell to turn on scripting for the new site: Connect-SPOService Set-SPOsite -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0

Office365: autologon credentials prompt

After enabling seamless sign on you can experience credential prompt. Using registry adding method, described here:;postID=7903981005079364156;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=35;src=postname I've added this entry: Among with the others which were already existing

Azure AD - Roll over Kerberos keys

After enabling seamless SSO, you need to roll over Kerberos decryption key every month or so. Process is desribed on this site: However, you can need to adjust your installation on the server to run AzureAD 2.0. Here is the short tutorial: And here the effect:

AzureAD 2.0 - installing on Windows Server 2012R2

In order to install AzureAD 2.0 you need to install WMF5.1 first: Then, run in powershell:  And then check and import it: You can now check new commands available: You can also check following Microsoft site:

Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2012R2: Install-Module is not recognized

When you want to user Install-Module on Windows Server 2018 or older you can see following error: This could happened if you for example need to install AzureAD 2.0 powershell. You then need to go to : and get the package for your operating system Follow on screen wizard and restart your server. After that you should not have problem using install-module cmdlet:

Using split in powershell to get remove part of the filename

In order to change filenames in bulk using string you can use split switch to filter out first part of the file name. For example, when I need to cut of "car" part of the file name, then I can use get-childitem|%{$newname=$ -split ("car")|select -Last 1;Rename-Item $ -NewName $newname}

Password sync does not work ADConnect and Office365

You just configured your ADConnect and password sync doesn't work? Or maybe it just stopped after some configuration changes? If you are getting errors with ID 611, then you need to check AD permissions for sync account, or if you are not sure, run embedded cmdlet in ADSyncConfig module (it's included in AD Connect from  1.1.880.0 released in August 2018 according to Microsoft) Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AdSyncConfig\AdSyncConfig.psm1" Set-ADSyncPasswordHashSyncPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName YOUR_ADSYNC_ACCOUNTHERE -ADConnectorAccountDomain YOUR_LOCALDOMAIN_HERE