Hi, In order to count users in specified OU's it is needed to create an empty matrix and add value any time that user account appears in the search loop. I must admit that part of this script is borrowed from some other admin, but don't remember the link now. In $filepath choose output file path, in Line 4 ($ou=) change searchbase filter to your root OU. THANKS to David (see comments below-changes bold in the text), the script is little modified, to work better. Import-Module ActiveDirectory $filepath="c:\temp\CompanyUsers.csv" $outmatrix = @() $ou=Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -searchbase "OU=RootOU, DC=Domain, DC=Com" -filter * -searchscope 1 foreach ($o in $ou) { $count= @ (Get-ADUser -searchbase $o -filter * |Where-Object {$_.enabled -eq "true"}).count #Construct an object $matrix = "" | Select "ou", "count" $matrix.ou = $o $matrix.count = $count $outmatrix += $matrix $matrix = $null
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