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Showing posts from April, 2015

AD Powershell: Count AD Users with OU structure

Hi, In order to count users in specified OU's it is needed to create an empty matrix and add value any time that user account appears in the search loop. I must admit that part of this script is borrowed from some other admin, but don't remember the link now. In $filepath choose output file path, in Line 4 ($ou=) change searchbase filter to your root OU. THANKS to David (see comments below-changes bold in the text), the script is little modified, to work better. Import-Module ActiveDirectory $filepath="c:\temp\CompanyUsers.csv" $outmatrix = @() $ou=Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -searchbase "OU=RootOU, DC=Domain, DC=Com" -filter * -searchscope 1 foreach ($o in $ou) { $count= @ (Get-ADUser -searchbase $o -filter * |Where-Object {$_.enabled -eq "true"}).count #Construct an object         $matrix = "" | Select "ou", "count"         $matrix.ou = $o         $matrix.count = $count         $outmatrix += $matrix $matrix = $null    

Outlook2013: Cannot see online archive

Dear Administrator, my archive online is not visible in the Outlook - said CEO... Did you hear that maybe? I have simple answer for you - DON'T buy OEM versions of Office products. Why? Archive Online feature needs volume license to work in most cases? Don't believe me? Check this out:

Office365: Sending mails from application or device

Sending mails from application or device in Microsoft Office365 When moving from on-premises to the cloud environment we are focused mainly on users' mailboxes. Although is actually the most important thing, it's not the only one. We have to remember about re-configuring application and devices which are part of our company's mail traffic. In this article I will look closer on methods that can be used to accomplish this task. Applications and devices use SMTP to send mail. Depending on the environment in which they operate, we have to deal with the uniform environment- with one or more mail servers that have been transferred to Office365 - or hybrid, in which server on the local network running in parallel with Exchange Online. When dealing with a hybrid environment, Microsoft recommends that you use local servers for mail transfer from applications and devices. This is due in part to the limitations imposed by Office365 service, which you also need to keep in mind when imp